Mindful eating
Put all the veggies in a bowl. Top with protein. Eat slowly and mindfully.
First off, this is easier said than done. Making things overly simplistic can be very unhelpful.
During this time in winter (in Ohio) and during this pandemic (with all the challenges that it brings) just having veggies on hand can be incredibly difficult. Not to mention some people just hate veggies.
Even if you use grocery pick up, food prep services etc. I do realize that many people live in food deserts and are also struggling with food scarcity and a real need for any type of sustenance.
For one I am very grateful that I have the skills and resources to provide my family with veggies. They are really important for digestive health, a healthy gut microbiome and cell health. It is where you can get naturally occurring bioavailable micronutrients. Phytonutrients for the win!
So if you have any of the above food challenges but you want to be just a little bit healthier pick, one thing you can do reliably. Like the smallest thing. Think 1% better. Frozen peas in that casserole 👌 a few carrot sticks with your lunch 😋 a side salad with your dinner instead of a second serving of tots 🤙Striving for ultimate perfection in nutrition is not the goal. Doing your best with what you have, resource and skill wise is the goal. Think “just a little bit better” each day.
Eating slowly can be a challenge as well. If your not used to slowing down or you frequently wolf down your meals, I’ve got a challenge for you! Set a timer and see how long it takes you to eat your lunch or dinner. 5 min????? That’s not enough time for your stomach to register that you’ve even gotten anything past your esophagus! If you struggle with speed eating try one of these simple tips.
Set a timer for 2 min longer than your initial meal that you timed.
Try to eat as slow as the slowest eater at the table. This one is kind of fun.
Set your fork down between bites.
Take a sip of water between bites.
I sat down to eat this meal and before I knew it I was eating at break-neck speed. It’s a habit I’ve been working on. When I became aware of the fact that I hadn’t taken a full breath in about 2 min, I stopped, put down my fork and took 5 deep breaths. Then I slowly picked up my fork and ate the rest of my meal mindfully (after taking this picture, of course).
We all have challenges. Becoming aware of what we struggle with and striving for small improvements over time is a winning combination. Take your time and do the best you can.
I’m still practicing. I fail, and I pick myself up and call the failure what it is. Data, with which I can make observations and change my behaviors to move towards what I really want. Which is to be a healthy and happy human.
What are your favorite veggies, or strategies for eating slowly? Do you eat slowly? Do you hate veggies?
Comment below and let me know what you think of this post and if you’d like to see more on this subject or another nutritional principle.